The United Kingdom’s Green Urban Growth Initiative will be launched in Baidoa, Somalia in the not-too-distant future, according to the British Ambassador.

It’s impending launch reflects a significant step towards addressing climate adaptation and resilience for local communities and internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Somalia.

Ambassador Mike Nithavrianakis highlights this program as part of the UK’s broader support for Somalia, including contributions to global Green Climate Finance and Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) projects.

This initiative aligns with Somalia’s urgent need to tackle the impacts of climate change, especially in regions like Baidoa, which faces recurring droughts and an influx of displaced populations due to conflict and climate shocks.

While the Ambassador acknowledges that immediate changes may not be visible, the program emphasizes sustainable, long-term solutions for vulnerable communities.

Efforts like this showcase a global commitment to fostering resilience and sustainability in countries most affected by climate change.

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